Konferencje, wykłady, referaty

The Hope Against Totalitarianism. Some Remarks on History and Human Agency (conference speech), Interdisciplinary Arendt: Pluralism, Promise, Problems, 22-25 August 2023, University of Aberdeen, UK.

The Construction of Self in Social Rituals (conference speech), Social Ontology 2023, 16-18 August 2023, Stockholm University, Sweden.

Nicolai Hartmann’s Concept of Objective Spirit in Context of Sociological Theory (online conference speech), Social Ontology and Objective Spirit. Clasical and Contemporary Perspectives, 28 May 2021, University of Cologne (Germany) & Marquette University (USA)

Neo-Kantianism and the Reflective Theory of Culture (online conference speech), The Era of Neo-Kantianism (La Era del Neokantismo), 28-29 April 2021, Instituto de Filosofia, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile. 

Mental and Spiritual Level of Reality in Hartmann’s Ontology and Contemporary Social Sciences (online conference speech), Nicolai Hartmann’s Philosopy Today, 15 December 2020, UMCS, Lublin, Poland

The Processual and Relational Ontology as a Proposal for Physics (conference speech), 2nd Annual Phenomenological Approaches to Physics Conference: Quantum Mechanics: Paradigm or Ontology of Nature?, 26-28 September 2019, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, USA 

Intuitions and Concepts: Nicolai Hartmann’s Metaphysics of Cognition (guest lecture), Philosophy Colloquia Fall 2019, 25 September 2019, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, USA.

Refleksja jako źródło kultury. Filozofia transcendentalna Hansa Wagnera (referat), XI Polski Zjazd Filozoficzny, 9-14 września 2019, Katolicki Uniwersytet Jana Pawła II w Lublinie, Lublin, Polska

Organizacja konferencji Nicolai Hartmann International Conference 2019, 13-14 June 2019, Instytut Filozofii UŚ& Instytut Filozofii UMCS&Nicolai Hartmann Society, Katowice, Polska

Nicolai Lossky and Nicolai Hartmann: the Ontological Grounding of Gnoseology (conference speech), Nicolai Hartmann International Conference 2019, 13-14 June 2019, Katowice, Polska

Hans Wagner's Idea of Human Dignity as a Continuation of Kant's Enlightenment Ethics
(conference speech), 12th Kant-Readings International Conference: Kant and the Ethics of Enlightenment: Historical Roots and Contemporary Relevance, 21-25 April 2019, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Rosja


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